The Trail


西海岸荒野小径(The West Coast Wilderness Trail)展示了南岛西海岸的一些最杰出的无与伦比的多样性景观.





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Make a donation

Please support all the work involved in managing the trail and making it the remarkable experience that is is. Riders are encouraged to continue $10 per rider per day and larger donations are very much welcomed. This is able to be made on directly to the link below. There are also Donation Stations set up with contractless credit card swipe devices at the following locatons: Greymouth: The Greymouth isite/West Coast Travel Centre, Wilderness Sports & Cycles Kumara: The Theatre Royal Hotel Hokitika: The Hokitika isite, Hokitika Cycles and Sports, Kiwi Journeys, the Hokitika Kiwi Holiday Park, The Fire Station and Thatcher and Small. Thank you for your support. See you on the trail!

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